Existing software support & maintenance

Software support & maintanence

Proactive development in adding additional features or triaging low priority “bugs” that don’t deteriorate the software design and user experience.

It is a set of activities aimed at ensuring software’s stable functioning, scalability, high performance, and security.

It imply a set of activities aimed at ensuring software’s stable functioning, scalability, high performance, and security. Software maintenance and support activities are divided into 4 main groups: Corrective: fixing problems discovered by users or identified during monitoring.

The Essence of Software Maintenance and Support

It imply a set of activities aimed at ensuring software’s stable functioning, scalability, high performance, and security.Its activities are divided into 4 main groups:

  1. Corrective: fixing problems discovered by users or identified during monitoring.
  2. Adaptive: keeping software up-to-date by tuning it in line with the changing business needs.
  3. Perfective: continuously improving software’s usability, performance, and reliability.
  4. Preventive: detecting and correcting latent issues.

Its setup plan steps include estimation of the scope and required resources, maintenance and support process design, choosing a sourcing model, implementation, and launch.

Required team: Help desk specialists, application support engineers, software developers, QA and DevOps engineers.

Setup Plan

The setup plan will differ depending on the specifics of the supported software and its underlying infrastructure, as well as the scope of the required support and maintenance activities. Based on Cyberonic’s ample experience in this, we outline some general steps that are characteristic of all IT software support activities.

While software support is defined as fixing broken software (or “bugs”) with reactive development, software maintenance is defined as proactive development in adding additional features or triaging low priority “bugs” that don’t deteriorate the software design and user experience.
.Is maintenance and support the same?
Unlike support work, maintenance releases are planned and scheduled. Clients usually ask for a combination of support and maintenance, and the services often get bundled together – hence why there’s often some confusion between the terms. Agencies sometimes charge an hourly rate for doing any ongoing work.